Indoor cages
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. indoor cages
Note: The details on this page are to be read and used in conjunction with the information on the "housing birds" web page.

There is a huge range of shapes, sizes and designs of aviaries and cages in use today.  If you have a unit that works for you, that is great and why change.

Aviculturists house birds in a wide range of climatic conditions ranging from the tropics, to desert areas, to cold areas subject to snowfalls, high rainfall to areas subject to prolonged droughts.  Some areas can have very hot days but at night the temperature may drop to close to freezing point.  Almost every possible climatic condition can be found in Australia.  Successful breeders can be found in this vast diversity of climatic conditions so if you are able to get access to people or read articles that relate to your particular area use those facts as a starting point.

The following is what is generally recommended but is subject to change to suit the available space, available resources and local environmental conditions.  When in the design stage, thought should be given to allow for possible current or future disabilities (e.g. broken arm or age related restrictions) or if children may be required to help with any of the duties.

Indoor cages or cabinets.
These cages are typically used by canary and budgie breeders and measure about 500mm long, 300mm deep, and 400mm high.  They are used for housing and breeding smaller finches such as Zebra and Bengalese.  A cage about 600mm ( 24 inches) to 700mm long are better and allow for a bit more exercise.  These cages are typically in an indoor birdroom with a controlled lighting and temperature environment.  Many of the newer cages have a raised wire floor which is about 30mm (1 inch) above the solid floor.  This allows the waste seed and droppings to fall through the wire and the bird has minimal contact with the waste.  Minimal contact with cage wastes can minimize the transfer of internal parasites, pathogens and diseases.  Indoor birdrooms give the opportunity to modify the lighting duration, lighting colour and intensity.  The humidity in the room can be controlled with humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

Top of - indoor cages - Page is one of the world's largest and most informative avian or bird web sites.  Copyright 2002 - 2008 inc.  All rights reserved.  Disclaimer:  This web site has been compiled from material provided from a large number of sources.  Personal experience and personal contacts have been used.  Results vary according to factors such as environmental factors, aviary design and the physical and genetic backgrounds of all living birds/animals.  Every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material but no responsibility is accepted by  for the accuracy of the material on this web site. The intent of this web site is to provide a "care sheet"  format and provide general material only.  Readers should rely upon their own enquiries in making any decisions relating to their own interests.